Saturday, November 08, 2008

the elected president...

had his first press conference and thought was doing well throughout the hour. when he was announced as the first african american US president, everyone was at ease. changing is on the way in USA. i personally think that most people are eagerly waiting his first mission as the president across atlantic. not only, his political decisions but also his conduct will be watched by millions of people worlwide throughout his duty as the president of USA. 8 years of torture under former president bush and i am only hoping that obama can change some of his predecessor unpopular policies and replace them with something that is acceptable in human standard. everyone was excited and hopefully, obama can uplift those hopefuls prayers until end of his term.

election is geting nearer and if God permits, next year we will have a new president to replace this one. i am fully aware that most of people in my country, including teenagers, are going to cast their votes only if they think the candidates are worth their votes. and if they can't find one, they will leave the paper blank which means they do not vote at all. don't you know that this will only leave us with one result, that is to allow incapable leader to lead us for another term. i can't accept that and certainly won't. we are the ones who will decide our future and use it wisely. our election will only begin in late october, assuming the election committee won't change their mind again, and up till that month we still have time to decide which leader who will deliever and who won't. please don't easily get trapt under some kind of 'promises' spell like we did four years ago. we do have to realize that the future of our next generation is heavily depended on this election. if we chose the wrong candidate it means we will once again be brought to a stone age time and we can afford that. vote coz it's your right and vote wisely.....

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